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1   /*
2    * Copyright 2004-2008 the Seasar Foundation and the Others.
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
14   * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
15   */
16  package org.seasar.uruma.util;
18  import;
19  import java.lang.reflect.Field;
21  import org.seasar.framework.aop.impl.PointcutImpl;
22  import org.seasar.framework.container.ArgDef;
23  import org.seasar.framework.container.ArgDefAware;
24  import org.seasar.framework.container.AspectDef;
25  import org.seasar.framework.container.ComponentDef;
26  import org.seasar.framework.container.ContainerNotRegisteredRuntimeException;
27  import org.seasar.framework.container.Expression;
28  import org.seasar.framework.container.MethodDef;
29  import org.seasar.framework.container.PropertyDef;
30  import org.seasar.framework.container.S2Container;
31  import org.seasar.framework.container.factory.SingletonS2ContainerFactory;
32  import org.seasar.framework.container.impl.ArgDefImpl;
33  import org.seasar.framework.container.util.SmartDeployUtil;
34  import org.seasar.framework.env.Env;
35  import org.seasar.framework.util.StringUtil;
37  /**
38   * S2ContainerにレジストされているオブジェクトをHTMLに出力するユーティリティです。<br />
40   * @author y.sugigami
41   */
42  public class S2ContainerListToHtmlUtil {
44      /**
45       * 初期化パラメータの設定パスのキーです。
46       */
47      public static final String CONFIG_PATH_KEY = "configPath";
49      /**a
50       * 初期化パラメータのデバッグのキーです。
51       */
52      public static final String DEBUG_KEY = "debug";
54      /**
55       * queryStringのコマンドのキーです。
56       */
57      public static final String COMMAND = "command";
59      /**
60       * queryStringの再起動のキーです。
61       */
62      public static final String RESTART = "restart";
64      /**
65       * queryStringの一覧のキーです。
66       */
67      public static final String LIST = "list";
69      /**
70       * パスです。
71       */
72      public static final String PATH = "path";
74      private static final String MODE_BEGIN = "<strong><font color='#DC143C'>";
76      private static final String MODE_END = "</font></strong>";
78  	/**
79       * {@link S2Container}の中身({@link ComponentDef})を表示します。
80       * 
81       * @param request
82       * @param response
83       * @throws IOException
84       */
85      public static String list(final S2Container container, String path) {
86      	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
87          if (container == null) {
88          	sb.append("S2Container[" + escape(path) + "] is not found.");
89              return sb.toString();
90          }
91          sb.append("<html><head><title>Seasar2 Component List</title></head><body>");
92          try {
93          	sb.append("<h1>S2Container</h1>");
94          	sb.append(printSmartDeploy(container));
95              sb.append("<ul>");
96              try {
97              	sb.append("<li>path : <code>" + escape(container.getPath()) + "</code></li>");
98                  final String nameSpace = container.getNamespace();
99                  if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(nameSpace)) {
100                 	sb.append("<li>namespace : <code>" + escape(nameSpace) + "</code></li>");
101                 }
102                 final String envValue = Env.getValue();
103                 if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(envValue)) {
104                 	sb.append("<li>env : <code>" + escape(envValue) + "</code></li>");
105                 }
106             } finally {
107             	sb.append("</ul>");
108             }
109             sb.append(listComponent(container));
111             sb.append(listInclude(container, path));
113         } finally {
114         	sb.append("</body></html>");
115         }
116         return sb.toString();
117     }
119     public static String list(final String path) {
120         final S2Container container = getContainer(path);
121         return list(container, path);
122     }
124     /**
125      * {@link S2Container}を返します。
126      * 
127      * @param path
128      * @return {@link S2Container}
129      */
130     protected static S2Container getContainer(final String path) {
131         final S2Container root = SingletonS2ContainerFactory.getContainer();
132         try {
133             return StringUtil.isEmpty(path) ? root : root.getDescendant(path);
134         } catch (final ContainerNotRegisteredRuntimeException e) {
135             return null;
136         }
137     }
139     private static StringBuffer printSmartDeploy(final S2Container container) {
140     	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
141     	sb.append("<p>S2Container is working under ");
142         try {
143             if (SmartDeployUtil.isHotdeployMode(container)) {
144             	sb.append(MODE_BEGIN + "HOT deploy" + MODE_END);
145             } else if (SmartDeployUtil.isWarmdeployMode(container)) {
146                 sb.append(MODE_BEGIN + "WARM deploy" + MODE_END);
147             } else if (SmartDeployUtil.isCooldeployMode(container)) {
148                 sb.append(MODE_BEGIN + "COOL deploy" + MODE_END);
149             } else {
150                 sb.append("normal");
151             }
152         } finally {
153             sb.append(" mode.</p>");
154         }
155         return sb;
156     }
158     private static StringBuffer listInclude(final S2Container container, final String path) {
159     	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
160         if (container.getChildSize() == 0) {
161             return sb;
162         }
163         sb.append("<h2>Includes</h2>");
164         sb.append("<p><ul>");
165         try {
166             for (int i = 0; i < container.getChildSize(); ++i) {
167                 final S2Container child = container.getChild(i);
168                 final String childPath = child.getPath();
169                 sb.append("<li><h2 style='list-style-type: circle'><code>" + childPath + "</code></h2></li>");
171                 sb.append(listComponent(child));
172             }
173         } finally {
174             sb.append("</ul></p>");
175         }
176         return sb;
177     }
179     private static StringBuffer listComponent(final S2Container container) {
180     	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
181         if (container.getComponentDefSize() == 0) {
182             return sb;
183         }
184         sb.append("<h2>Components</h2>");
185         sb.append("<p><ul>");
186         try {
187             for (int i = 0; i < container.getComponentDefSize(); ++i) {
188                 final ComponentDef cd = container.getComponentDef(i);
189                 sb.append(printComponent(cd));
190             }
191         } finally {
192             sb.append("</ul></p>");
193         }
194         return sb;
195     }
197     private static StringBuffer printComponent(final ComponentDef cd) {
198     	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
199         final String name = cd.getComponentName();
200         final Class<?> clazz = cd.getComponentClass();
201         sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: square'><code><strong>"
202                 + (name != null ? escape(name) : "-") + " ["
203                 + (clazz != null ? escape(clazz.getName()) : "-")
204                 + "]</strong></code>");
205         sb.append("<ul>");
206         sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: circle'>instance : <code>"
207                 + escape(cd.getInstanceDef().getName()) + "</code></li>");
208         sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: circle'>autoBinding : <code>"
209                 + escape(cd.getAutoBindingDef().getName()) + "</code></li>");
211         Expression expression = cd.getExpression();
212         final String expr = (expression != null) ? expression.toString() : "";
213         if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(expr)) {
214             sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: circle'>ognl : <code>"
215                     + escape(expr) + "</code></li>");
216         }
218         sb.append(printArg(cd));
219         sb.append(printAspect(cd));
220         sb.append(printProperty(cd));
221         sb.append(printInitMethod(cd));
222         sb.append(printDestroyMethod(cd));
224         try {
225             final Object component = cd.getComponent();
226             sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: circle'>toString : <pre style='border-style: solid; border-width: 1'>"
227                             + escape(component.toString()) + "</pre></li>");
228         } catch (final Exception ignore) {
229         }
230         sb.append("</ul>");
231         return sb;
232     }
234     private static StringBuffer printArg(final ArgDefAware cd) {
235     	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
236         for (int i = 0; i < cd.getArgDefSize(); ++i) {
237             sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: circle'>arg<ul>");
238             final ArgDef ad = cd.getArgDef(i);
240             Expression expression = ad.getExpression();
241             final String expr = (expression != null) ? expression.toString() : "";
242             if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(expr)) {
243                 sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: circle'>ognl : <code>"
244                         + escape(expr) + "</code></li>");
245             }
247             final ComponentDef child = getChildComponentDef(ad);
248             if (child != null) {
249             	sb.append(printComponent(child));
250             }
252             sb.append("</ul></li>");
253         }
254         return sb;
255     }
257     private static StringBuffer printAspect(final ComponentDef cd) {
258     	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
259         for (int i = 0; i < cd.getAspectDefSize(); ++i) {
260             sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: circle'>aspect<ul>");
261             final AspectDef ad = cd.getAspectDef(i);
262             final PointcutImpl pc = (PointcutImpl) ad.getPointcut();
263             if (pc != null) {
264                 final String[] pointCuts = pc.getMethodNames();
265                 if (pointCuts != null && pointCuts.length > 0) {
266                 	sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: circle'>pointcut<ul>");
267                     for (int j = 0; j < pointCuts.length; ++j) {
268                         sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: circle'><code>"
269                                 + escape(pointCuts[j]) + "</code></li>");
270                     }
271                     sb.append("</ul></li>");
272                 }
273             }
275             Expression expression = ad.getExpression();
276             final String expr = (expression != null) ? expression.toString() : "";
277             if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(expr)) {
278                 sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: circle'>ognl : <code>"
279                         + escape(expr) + "</code></li>");
280             }
282             final ComponentDef child = getChildComponentDef(ad);
283             if (child != null) {
284             	sb.append(printComponent(child));
285             }
287             sb.append("</ul></li>");
288         }
289         return sb;
290     }
292     private static StringBuffer printProperty(final ComponentDef cd) {
293     	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
294         for (int i = 0; i < cd.getPropertyDefSize(); ++i) {
295             sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: circle'>property<ul>");
296             final PropertyDef pd = cd.getPropertyDef(i);
297             sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: circle'>name : <code>"
298                     + escape(pd.getPropertyName()) + "</code></li>");
300             Expression expression = pd.getExpression();
301             final String expr = (expression != null) ? expression.toString() : "";
302             if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(expr)) {
303                 sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: circle'>ognl : <code>"
304                         + escape(expr) + "</code></li>");
305             }
307             final ComponentDef child = getChildComponentDef(pd);
308             if (child != null) {
309             	sb.append(printComponent(child));
310             }
312             sb.append("</ul></li>");
313         }
314         return sb;
315     }
317     private static StringBuffer printInitMethod(final ComponentDef cd) {
318     	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
319         for (int i = 0; i < cd.getInitMethodDefSize(); ++i) {
320             sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: circle'>initMethod<ul>");
321             sb.append(printMethod(cd.getInitMethodDef(i)));
322             sb.append("</ul></li>");
323         }
324         return sb;
325     }
327     private static StringBuffer printDestroyMethod(final ComponentDef cd) {
328     	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
329         for (int i = 0; i < cd.getDestroyMethodDefSize(); ++i) {
330             sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: circle'>destroyMethod<ul>");
331             sb.append(printMethod(cd.getDestroyMethodDef(i)));
332             sb.append("</ul></li>");
333         }
334         return sb;
335     }
337     private static StringBuffer printMethod(final MethodDef md) {
338     	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
339         sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: circle'>name : <code>"
340                 + escape(md.getMethodName()) + "</code></li>");
342         Expression expression = md.getExpression();
343         final String expr = (expression != null) ? expression.toString() : "";
344         if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(expr)) {
345             sb.append("<li style='list-style-type: circle'>ognl : <code>"
346                     + escape(expr) + "</code></li>");
347         }
349         final ComponentDef child = getChildComponentDef(md);
350         if (child != null) {
351         	sb.append(printComponent(child));
352         }
353         return sb;
354     }
356     private static ComponentDef getChildComponentDef(final Object o) {
357         try {
358             final Field f = ArgDefImpl.class
359                     .getDeclaredField("childComponentDef");
360             f.setAccessible(true);
361             return (ComponentDef) f.get(o);
362         } catch (final Exception e) {
363             return null;
364         }
365     }
367     private static String escape(final String text) {
368         if (text == null) {
369             return "null";
370         }
371         final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(text.length() * 4);
372         for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i) {
373             final char ch = text.charAt(i);
374             switch (ch) {
375             case '<':
376                 buf.append("&lt;");
377                 break;
378             case '>':
379                 buf.append("&gt;");
380                 break;
381             case '&':
382                 buf.append("&amp;");
383                 break;
384             case '"':
385                 buf.append("&quot;");
386                 break;
387             default:
388                 buf.append(ch);
389                 break;
390             }
391         }
392         return new String(buf);
393     }
394 }